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- Sydney Davies
- Public Relations
- Lila IKEA - Protoje The Tour
- Adekunle God for GUAP Magazine
- Google Arts and Culture #Sydney-Davies #GoogleArtsAndCulture
- Stanley Enow -The Africa Games Closing
- Adekunle Gold for Guap Magazine - Styled by Ramario Chevoy | #SydneyDavies #GuapMagazine
- Vogue #Sydney-Davies #Vogue
- Jute Magazine #Sydney-Davies #JuteMagazine
- Institute Magazine #Sydney-Davies #InstituteMagazine
- Schon Magazine #Sydney-Davies #SchonMagazine
- XEX Magazine #Sydney-Davies #XEXMagazine
- 7th Man Magazine #Sydney-Davies #7thManMagazine
- Hunger TV #Sydney-Davies #HungerTV
- Idol Magazine #Sydney-Davies #IdolMagazine
- Reutera #Sydney-Davies #Reutera
- Commonwealth Fashion Exchange #Sydney-Davies #CommonwealthFashionExchange
- Lila Ike - Jamaica National Stadium